Nutrition for Today’s Lifestyle – Don’t Be Over Served

When talking about nutrition usually the conversation is about what you should eat.  Today we are going to cover some things you should not eat, or at least moderate how much.  This is because of the long term negative effects on the body that to much of these substances can cause is serious.

If you think about it you wouldn’t put sugar in the gas tank of you car.  Even if it managed to run for a second it would eventually break down because your car isn’t made to run on that.  But when it comes to the body people will put all kinds of things into it and expect it to continue to function properly. The amazing thing is that unlike your car your body will continue to function, sometimes for a long while.  But like smoking, even if the body functions okay for the short term eventually it catches up to it and causes a negative effect.

So let’s cover a few things to watch in your diet.  Refined sugar is a big one.  Sugar, like alcohol, has a very negative effect on the liver.  As well as packing on extra pounds sugar also causes the body to become resistant to the hormone insulin.  This can lead to many diseases one of the major ones is Type II diabetes.  Cancer is also a higher risk for those that eat a lot of excess sugar.  And research is now showing that fructose (sugar) is a major cause of heart disease, even more than fat.  This is because of sugar’s negative effect on the bodies metabolism. So if you need something sweet try fruit and if has to be sugar try to use just a little.

Next, let’s look at alcohol.   As most people know a little ( one drink a day for women and two drinks for men ) is okay.  But when the drinks flow to freely every night this can lead to bad things such as heart problems, to stroke, and high blood pressure.  To much alcohol can negatively effect the liver (fibrosis, cirrhosis, and alcohol hepatitis) as well as leading to several types of cancer (mouth, throat, liver, and in women breast cancer)  And lastly alcohol adds extra pounds on the body just like drinking soda, to the body there is little difference.  After an alcoholic drink if your still thirsty has some water or club soda, your body will thank you in the long run.

So stop before you get over served. And stay tuned for more 21st century nutritional information.